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Three Songs in the Top Fifteen!
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012
In this issue:
Alise Marlane receives
the 2011 Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award
Galaxie Rising Stars,
Songs From The Heart, and other things
And yet more on awards
(of the future) •
Latest funding
deadlines •
Members in motion
Tell us what you think
Alise Marlane receives the 2011 Colleen Peterson
Songwriting Award
As you probably saw from yesterday's EXTRA! edition
of e-news, the
Ontario Arts Council has named Wakefield’s
Alise Marlane the winner of the 2011 Colleen
Peterson Songwriting Award. Alise is a well-known and
respected player in the Eastern Ontario-West Quebec
area, and one who deserves to be known to a far wider
Her winning song, “L’aurore boreale” was described
by the awards jury as having an “original melody and
beautiful poetry”, making it an “exceptional song.”
Colleen Peterson was a well loved member of the
folk music community in Canada, as both a singer, a
writer, and a member of bands from 3’s a Crowd to
Quartette. In addition to her own music, Colleen spent
time working with such legendary artists as Waylon
Jennings, Willie P. Bennett, David Essig, Gordon
Lightfoot, Roger Miller... A winner of two Juno awards,
she recorded eight solo albums and was a regular
visitor to Canadian country music record charts, Her
untimely death from cancer in 1996 prompted the
creation of this award.
In a bit of
synchronicity (and serendipity), a DVD of film shot at
the 1976 Festival of Friends arrived at the OCFF office
recently, and lo and behold, there's a wonderful
snippet of Colleen Peterson that is on that DVD and on
Youtube as well. If you weren't lucky enough to see
Colleen Peterson live, here's one way of learning just
why she deserves to be remembered with warmth, love and
respect -- by watching her make music with a band of
Canadian roots royalty beside her.
Galaxie Rising Stars, Songs From The Heart, and
other things
The Ontario Arts Council’s announcement today of
the 2011 Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award is a
good opportunity for us to remind you of two things:
first, you can check out all of the Songs From The
Heart recipients as well as Estelle Klein Award and
Colleen Peterson recipients
on our Awards page.
And if you haven't
yet had a chance to check out the 2011 Songs From
The Heart recipients, here they are:
Galaxie Rising Stars English
Brenley MacEachern & Lisa MacIsaac - "The
Galaxie Rising Stars French
Yvan Vollé - “Solitude”
Noah Aiken-Klar & Joshua Skye Engel - “Grow”
Glenn McFarlane - “Grope
the Pope (The Throne Exam)”
Anne Lindsay & Tosh Weyman - “May
Our Minds Meet (Namaste)” (listen
Lenka Lichtenberg - “Peace
Is The Only Way”
Tom McInerney - “Bits
and Pieces”
And while we're reminding you of things, we'd
like to do something a little bit new for OCFF. As
you may know, candidates for the Peterson award are
provided to the Ontario Arts Council by OCFF, from
the roster of entries to our annual Songs From The
Heart awards competition.
We would like to
acknowledge the good work of the 15 songs chosen
from more than 200 to be shortlisted for the Colleen
Peterson Songwriting Award. In addition to Alise
Marlane's "L'aurore boréale," the list (in no
particular order) includes:
The Ways I Love You
Faye Blais
At The Microphone
Rob Szabo & Peter Katz
Lay Your Fences Down
Roy Hickling
Bits and Pieces
Tom McInerney
Voices in the Well
Roy Hickling
A Simple Dream
Grant Tilly
Carry Me Home
Ali Matthews
Here's To You
Jeff Bien
Life Is Good
Brock Zeman
Different Points Along The Same Line
Rob Szabo
Jenny's Dream
Roy Hickling
Noah Aiken-Klar, Joshua Skye Engel
Near Midnight
MJ Cyr
Open For Business
Mike Ford
And yet more on awards (of the future)
Since we've celebrated award winners for 2011,
let's talk 2012.
The 2012 Songs From The
Heart award will begin accepting entries shortly,
with a deadline of June 1. Keep watching E-News for
The deadline for nominations for
the 2012 Estelle Klein Award is May 21. Nomination
forms are available on the
OCFF web site.
And the OCFF office is
finalizing details for showcase selection process
for the 2012 conference in Mississauga. The deadline
for applications will be May 31, so keep your eyes
on the web site and E-News for updates.
Latest funding deadlines
Who wouldn't want some money? Nobody in the folk
music salt mines, we bet. So make sure you get
appropriate applications in on time:
Ontario Arts Council
April 2: Arts Education
Organizations, Community and Multidisciplinary Arts
Organizations, Community Arts Councils, Distribution
/ Dissemination of the Arts (Franco-Ontarian),
Presenter/Producer, Ontario-Quebec Artist
Residencies, National and International Residency
May 1:
Access and Career Development grants
Canada Council
April 1: The Flying Squad
May 1: Production grants, New Music
June 1: Touring grants
April 12: Business Development
Members in motion
Our members never really stop making great events
and festivals. Some timely cases in point:
Ottawa International Writers Festival, a proud
OCFF member, is ramping up for its spring season,
April 26-May 5. They'll be announcing their full
lineup soon.
And the
Northern Lights Festival Boréale holds its
"March Meltdown" event to find local acts to feature
on March 31, and hosts Chris McKhool for a family
concert on April 29 as part of Earth Month
Summerfolk's "Last Chance Saloon" takes place
Saturday, March 24.
Without our funders the OCFF could not continue
to operate. We acknowledge them and appreciate their
generous support.

www.ocff.ca OCFF 508-B Gladstone
Avenue Ottawa, ON K1R 5P1


